Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today is big day for voters.

I haven't watched a single episode all season, but I did tune in to American Idol tonight to watch the Davids sing it out. After some thought---but not much---I called in and voted for David Cook, simply because he is sexier and not seventeen. (Also, he cried after his last song. Which I'm pretty sure made my heart break.)

But I'm not that invested. David Archuleta---the young'un on the right---actually is quite good. I won't be surprised or bummed if he wins. Hell. I'll get a lot out of his first really good music video---let's be honest.

And my girl Hillary won Kentucky today! It doesn't do much of anything, but I just heart her to the fullest, and who knows? Maybe there will be a miracle...

Photo source: EW.com

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