Thursday, December 25, 2008

My landmark Christmas Eve birthday

So it was my birthday yesterday on Christmas Eve: my 21st birthday, to be exact! It started off with a bang, and by bang, I mean that two of my best friends drove over, picked me up, and drove me to Safeway to buy a six-pack. Great. That's how it's done, people. That's how it's done.

And at night, I went to the Cheesecake Factory and ordered a glass of merlot. I was alone, which was a little depressing but not unexpected. The waiter who took my order saw that it was my birthday from my ID, and he said: "Oh, you're alone??" which made me feel a little worse about it, but what are you going to do, friends have families and my mom was too tired from the day's activities to keep me company for a late-night showing of It's a Wonderful Life, which I was headed to after the merlot.

Jimmy Stewart in The Greatest Film of All Time (1946)

Then after the Cheesecake Factory, warm with wine, I walked to the Stanford Theater, which is this lovely, grand old movie theater that only shows old movies and even silent films. I'd noticed on the marquee earlier in the day that they would be showing It's a Wonderful Life at night on Christmas Eve, but I had never even dreamed that it would be sold out, which is what it was! There was a line out the door for "extra seats." Well, thankfully, the line actually moved and for the first time that night I was thrilled to be by myself, because it was easier to get a seat. Also, I mentioned quite loudly that it was my birthday. (I had to get in. Also, I was a little tipsy and more aggressive than usual.) Once I barreled into the theater, I found a lone seat in the totally-packed house, which was lucky because I had expected to sit on the floor once I learned that the theater was full.

And then the organist descended and the movie started.

I have to say: watching It's a Wonderful Life on the big screen on Christmas Eve with hundreds of other people is a Rocky Horror-like event. When the opening credits rolled, the names "James Stewart" and "Frank Capra" received huge, huge applause. And in the actual movie, whenever we saw Mr. Potter, the audience would hiss like a snake. (He actually does kind of look like a snake. Well done, Lionel B.) And at the end, when Zuzu cries, "Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings!" people in the audience RANG BELLS. This is not a joke! People brought bells and RANG THEM at that part! I felt so happy at that moment. It was the best birthday gift, to sit amongst so many people in the holiday spirit and watch a fantastic movie that seems to get better and better with age. I've only seen the movie maybe 6 times in my life, but every time I see it, something amazing is illuminated for me in some way or I finally understand a joke that I hadn't understood before. For example, at the very beginning, when Clarence and the other two angels are stars in the universe, Clarence asks, "What are they wearing nowadays?" but instead of giving him time to dress, the other angels make him watch "the film," or George Bailey's greatest hits in sequence. He doesn't get to change clothes, and when we finally see Clarence, sure enough---he's decked out in some strange, ruffly 18th century underwear-cloak. Awesome.

Anyway, below is the scene in which George "asks" Mary to marry him. (He doesn't really least in the appropriate sense.) Best. Best best best. Someone kiss me like that all over my face, yeah?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

CA = ColdAss

That is where I am right now. That little, little A.

California. Home for the holidays and my Big Ole Birthday, annually upstaged by Jesus.

Ain't no surfin' right now. Yo: I am cold as all hell.

Not that I surf during the other seasons or anything. Not that I have ever surfed in my entire life. Not that I have really ever seen anyone surf, except in the opening credits of Laguna Beach or in that Kate Bosworth movie in which she was really buff and not the size of my leg, which is what she is like now.

That's all.


I'm not going to lie...I'm going to try this out.

My friend said that she learned the Amelie song from a YouTube video. I loved that.

I'm on it.

First post since August / 2008 curtain call

Me & my cast from the summer @ curtain call, MSG Aug. 2008

So it's not even Christmas yet, but why not get started on a New Year's Resolution list?

Some 2009 Life Goals
- Learn the piano. A least a little. To be able to sing with it.
- Spend money on things that are important to me in the long run. Spend less money on Hershey's Dark Chocolate bars at Walgreens.
- Set aside time to write for my Creative Writing class. No more night-before bullshit. Try to write every day.
- Revel in sadness, if I've got it. Don't push it away.
- Go to China. And learn Chinese.
- Date someone worth dating.
- Love my body. More. Leave myself alone.
- Stop biting my fingers off.
- Call my little sister four times a week.
- Pick up the violin, even if it's only for 15 minutes. Don't let it collect dust in the corner.
- Hang up my clothes in the closet. Enough of this digging-through-my-drawers shit.
- Only laugh when something is truly funny. Be honest.
- Remember that jealousy is stupid. A waste of energy.
- Don't spend a second doing anything I don't want to do.
- Be the best that I can be in studio.
- Take risks. In life, in ETW.
- Say hi to those people I've totally met before, even if it was just that once.
- Walk home. Don't spend $81 on that unlimited subway pass.
- Sleep, but not too much.

2009, I'm ready for you!
