Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trendy for a reason

I'm not even a quarter of the way done, but I'm loving Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love, despite the fact that whenever I read it in public I feel like EVERY, WOMAN, EVERYWHERE. She's funny, honest, and optimistic even in the roughest of times, and I respect her greatly for seizing complete control of her life at the exact moment she let everything and everyone go. Her story and her comeback are so inspiring that I feel almost compelled to take notes of her wise words on Post-Its to scatter around my room. And she is a real woman. This is all real.

Favorite quote so far: "I couldn't stop thinking about what my sister had said to me once, as she was breast-feeding her firstborn: 'Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit.' "

Picture credit: NPR

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