Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First post since August / 2008 curtain call

Me & my cast from the summer @ curtain call, MSG Aug. 2008

So it's not even Christmas yet, but why not get started on a New Year's Resolution list?

Some 2009 Life Goals
- Learn the piano. A least a little. To be able to sing with it.
- Spend money on things that are important to me in the long run. Spend less money on Hershey's Dark Chocolate bars at Walgreens.
- Set aside time to write for my Creative Writing class. No more night-before bullshit. Try to write every day.
- Revel in sadness, if I've got it. Don't push it away.
- Go to China. And learn Chinese.
- Date someone worth dating.
- Love my body. More. Leave myself alone.
- Stop biting my fingers off.
- Call my little sister four times a week.
- Pick up the violin, even if it's only for 15 minutes. Don't let it collect dust in the corner.
- Hang up my clothes in the closet. Enough of this digging-through-my-drawers shit.
- Only laugh when something is truly funny. Be honest.
- Remember that jealousy is stupid. A waste of energy.
- Don't spend a second doing anything I don't want to do.
- Be the best that I can be in studio.
- Take risks. In life, in ETW.
- Say hi to those people I've totally met before, even if it was just that once.
- Walk home. Don't spend $81 on that unlimited subway pass.
- Sleep, but not too much.

2009, I'm ready for you!


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